Animations, illustrations and 3D
Looking for beautiful, funny or insightful visuals?
Swörl creates swinging animations and illustrations for your comms.
Recent projects we are proud of
An image says more than… you know it. Say no to press releases and texts without images.
Swörl? Who is that?
Swörl is Sander Spolspoel: more than 20 years of experience in design and animation for small and large companies in and around Belgium.
Backed by an extensive network of translators, voices, filmmakers and other experts.
You might be wondering…
Swörl is constantly looking for new ways to create images.
Cartoon figures or photorealistic 3D images? It’s all possible.
Feel like discussing your project?
Then we will have an online coffee and find
an animation, illustration of 3D drawing that suits you.